Message Board Program Q & A
Learning to Read
Q. Why isn’t my student learning faster?
A. It’s important to take it slow and also to remember that every word the student learns is one more word than before. Repeating the five verbal prompts triggers the learning process. Repetition does make an indentation. Be patient.
Q. My student is upset and doesn’t want to work.
A. If your student is not relaxed forget it. A few minuets of easy talk with your student are a good way for you both to relax. Then you can begin your learning session. It could be helpful to check the Tutor Tips in your Tutor’s Guide.
Q. How long do I stay on the flash cards?
A. It’s beneficial for the student to know the words on the 6 flash cards backwards and forwards before he starts the first reader. You can make the lessons fun by using the “Circle Fun Card”, game ideas and circle stickers. Playing games is a great way to learn.
Q. My student won’t stay on task and asks me many questions. What should I do?
A. Place the yellow instruction card that’s in the student’s envelope next to The First Stories book until you have memorized the steps. It takes time to become comfortable using only these 5 verbal prompts. Many students will try everything they can to divert you from the task at hand. Stay firm and stay with the 5 verbal prompts. These prompts also will not allow the student to memorize sentences. You want the student to read words.
Q. My daughter is mostly non-verbal. How can I teach her to read? Will Jeremiah’s Circles help her to verbalize more?
A. Students that were non verbal and/or had issues with articulation have used Jeremiah’ Circles Learning to Read program. Example: One girl 19 years old could sign but never gave the right sign. Many thought she had limited understanding. She started reading The First Stories. She and the tutor made up their own sign or the sound as they went along. The student started making beginning sounds of the words. Soon she was saying the whole word. As long as the tutor could make out the sign or the sound as the word being read, they went right along. The girl loved reading and was very proud of her self. Others discovered that she knew much more than what she was letting on.
Q. When I ask my student, “What’s that word?” her refuses to look at the word.
A. If the word is not being looked at… You can say, “Look at this word.” Or say, “Point to this word.”, and then ask, “What’s this word?” If the student hesitates, be patient and stay with the steps. When the time is up, be cheerful, that’s the secret.
Q. My student consistently misses the same word over and over on the page. What should I do?
A. When the student consistently misses only one particular word on the page, then move on. Most important is his feelings of accomplishment. The words are repeated through out the book and he will be introduced to them again.
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Q. I’m not sure my student understands the material. My student consistently answers incorrectly over and over again. What should I do?
A. Repetition does make an indentation. Be patient. Stay with the steps. You can help your student by drawing a circle around the area of the correct answer in the paragraph or correct picture with your finger. If more help is needed, cover up the upper or lower sentences or pictures. The student must feel successful. Most important is his feelings of accomplishment. The material is repeated through out the book and he will be introduced to them again.
Suggestions: Remember to be patient! Comprehension may seem slow at first, but will improve with time. Developing comprehension skills can be hard work. Some students “freeze up” when confronted with new situations that require thought. Keep the sessions as stress free and enjoyable as possible.
Don’t be surprised if your student seems to forget what he knew before.
Use only positive responses. Having to reread or point to a picture again should never seem like punishment.
This curriculum is designed to repeat itself. Repetition is the key to success.
While the student needs enough time to think to come up with an answer, too much time may make him uncomfortable.
Note: These entire programs may be repeated every year for three or more years.
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