Academic Therapy For Special Needs Learning
Individual PDF Books now available separately $3.99 each
Academic Therapy is a condensed State Required Curriculum which only requires filling in easy multiple choice circles (Scantron test taking skills) versus writing sentences which was proven to be unsuccessful for many. Compared to regular curriculum, students find the program fun, fast, and easy.
Academic Therapy is designed for grades 6 through 12 and adults. The books begin at approximately a third grade reading level and quickly progress.
Students that are non-readers, non-verbal, and/or have vision problems can use this program. After you have read the passage and each multiple choice list, your student can choose his answer any way he’s able to communicate. You can then mark the circle for him.
Instruction Time: One-on-one instruction or small group instruction up to 40 minutes a day, five days a week maximizes learning.
Tutor Training: There is no special training required, just follow the guidelines in the beginning of the books. Tutor support is provided on line.
Pace: Students learn at their own pace. Speed is not an issue
Knowing our Fellow Creatures

This book introduces many different animals from earthworms to the extinct animals. (75 work pages)
Number Appreciation

Designed for those who have a solid understanding of the concepts “one” and “two" (132 work pages)
Seven durable comb-bound workbooks (8.5X11”) with black & white illustrations. Plus: Tutor's Guidelines & Answers book
Passing Through America

A Unique history book covering history from 1492. (222 work pages)
Understanding Physical Substance

Some of the topics covered are molecules, atoms, recycling, electricity, and magnets. (169 work pages)
Multiple Meanings of Words

Vocabulary words, riddles, opposites, what comes first or last, and much more (145 work pages)
Spanish Interpretation

Applicable every day words and sentences are introduced. (138 work pages)
Reading Short Stories & Articles

Students learn to read and comprehend a variety of materials. (91 work pages)
Tutor Guidelines & Answers

This book also provides insights on the essentials of teaching & learning, charts and more...
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