Message Board Teaching Tips
Staying on Task
Tell your student how long the task will take. (Please keep it to 15 minutes or less)
Redirect the student by using your program’s prompting steps.
Every time he tries to distract you from the task... Repeat your re directions over and over using the same words
Give the student a break. End each task by saying... "Good Job, We're done with that, time for a break." Let him ask you questions or you can both just be silly.
This consistency will benefit your student greatly!
Motivation Tips
If the student likes you, his desire to please you will help him to learn.
Show him pictures and let him pick out the one-he likes best and tell you about it.
Talk to him. Listen to him (the way that he communicates.)
Line up a few simple toys and let him choose the one he likes best.
Use a few cards for multiple choice and ask him to choose as you name the picture on one card.
Begin a story and let him finish it. He can think of an ending to tell you.
If he brings something to you, show interest in it and let him tell you about it. (It might be a bug, a rock, a piece of glass, etc.)
Students like a pat on the back or a hug. Other rewards might be a star on a chart, a progress chart, a chance to do something special or a prize. These rewards should be given, but only when the student knows that he really did succeed in doing a lesson well.
If you are a good tutor, your student will succeed in every lesson and will deserve a reward. The prizes could be saved for extra effort and especially good work.
Continuous Encouragement
A continuous encouragement, such as... "That’s OK, you’ll remember next time." " You’ll get it." "No problem." “You don’t have to do it now. You have plenty of time”.
This sure does work. It relaxes the student plus allows possibility. The student knows that he will accomplish when he/she is able.
Sometimes this works instantly: The second the student knows he doesn’t have to accomplish, he’ll do it.
Practicing Higher Level Thinking and Communicating
Provide opportunities for problem solving
Provide opportunities for decision making
Provide opportunities for making judgments
Ask Questions to elicit solutions, judgments, decisions
This may be good to note in their Case Studies.
Small Sequential Steps
Present new information to your student in small sequential steps.
He may only be able to concentrate on one thing at a time. It will also allow you to know what material your student is ready for next, and you can pinpoint specific areas of difficulty.
Multi Sensory Approaches
Use as many of the senses as possible to present information to your student.
Example: After reading, ask your student to tell you about:
the main character though discussion, acting and drawing.
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