Watch Out! May 28, 2020
Ideally, you know your student well enough to recognize that he is about to “blow up” and redirect him in time, but some times a student will become forceful and destructive. His anger may have been brewing for some time and may be difficult for him to control. The best way to handle the situation is to stay calm and caring. Act as a controlled role model. Your student may be screaming, but raising your voice may only make matters worse. Once he feels that you’re against him, he may not respond to you at all and another adult will need to step in. Help him control his emotion by redirecting his attention. Use phrases that you know will divert him: “Did you know there’s ice cream for lunch?” or “Look! There’s a _____ outside!” If his frustration must be vented, take him to another room or a safe place and let him work it out. Some schools have “screaming rooms” equipped with large pillows to be used as punching bags.
Get help if you’re not sure what to do or if the student escalates to violence. Send a reliable person for help. Consider the safety of others in the room and get them out of the way. Consider your own safety and don’t try to physically restrain him.