Before Learning to Read
Picture Academics used before learning to Read is a comprehension therapy program for non-readers based on educational curriculum. It was designed for school children and adults that can point or express verbally or with a gesture. This program works well for those who are non-verbal. Students learn by hearing, seeing, and touching. “Pictures are worth a thousand words”.
After Learning to Read
Picture Academics used after learning to read is a comprehension therapy program for school children and adults that read, written at approximately a 2nd grade reading level. It is a continuing reading therapy based on educational curriculum used after the Jeremiah’s Circles: Learning to Read Program. A necessary step before the Academic Therapy program.
Instruction: One-on-one instruction, 15 minutes a day, four days a week maximizes learning.
Tutor Training: There is no special training required, just follow the guidelines in the beginning of the book. Tutor support is provided on line.
Content: the content is the same as regular education text books and modified for easier learning. It is formatted to avoid confusion.
Pace: Each student learns at his own pace. Speed is not an issue.
The TUTOR'S GUIDE (not shown) includes step by step instructions, the essentials of teaching and learning, progress and attendance charts, Calendar Fun and more... The PICTURE ACADEMICS' workbook has 90 work pages with 540 blk & wht pictures, (8.5X11” comb-bound).
- Communication Cards
Special Addition

Three Subjects in one book.
Language Arts uses "W" words, riddles, word association, and problem solving.
Math uses numbers up to three, concepts like: big & little, more & less. Math uses 4 shapes, also introduces money and weight.
Social Studies is about where we live, people working in stores and factories, about the ranch, raising cattle, growing produce, and using machines.
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