Help Her By Focusing On Her Abilities May29, 2020
Focus on her abilities (strengths) rather than her disabilities (weaknesses). Give her work that she can accomplish and then work on her weaknesses in short 5 minuet learning sessions. This will avoid over stimulation and also save her energy to accomplish what she can do.
As your student learns, you may notice that her levels of self confidence and abilities to solve problems increased remarkably. She is able to stay on task for longer periods of time. Social skills and speech articulation improve. Behavior problems decrease, sometimes completely disappearing.
On the other hand - You may have been working with your student and doing very well. Then all of a sudden.... you wonder.... what happened to her behavior? This wonderful student that said yes to everything began saying no. Actually she is doing exactly what she should be doing. She is growing up and becoming more independent. She now wants control of her world. She’s ready to start making her own decisions, ready to start learning who she is, and what behavior she wants. Help your student to express who she really is... not by force, but by teaching.